USA Weightlifting Listening and Taking Action
by USA Weightlifting
In the wake of the killing of George Floyd and the worldwide conversation that has followed in respect of supporting the black community and wider minority communities in the United States, we recognize that fundamental and lasting change in our society is long overdue.
USA Weightlifting is willing to go beyond making a statement on civil rights, by examining where it can do better to open doors for minorities, especially in the black community.
USA Weightlifting welcomes ideas from the field which can be addressed to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commission Board Liaison Sally Van de Water at
To begin with, USA Weightlifting is implementing two immediate changes.
Recognizing the need for black and minority voices in our employee base and to further support employment opportunities for black Americans, with immediate effect, USA Weightlifting will ensure that the final interview round for any posted job includes at least one candidate from a person of color and at least one woman.
Additionally, with thanks to a donor, USA Weightlifting will be immediately creating a fund for black USA Weightlifting members to become National Referees. At this moment, we require significant development in this area and we hope this will help remove a financial burden for individuals to join the ranks of our national officials.
Members interested in this new referee fund can make their voices heard here.
In February, USA Weightlifting became the first National Governing Body to change its logo for Black History Month and then celebrated many of our current and past black heroes from one of the best of all time, Jon Davis, to current high-level coach and Olympian Cara Heads Slaughter to Mark Henry to Oscar Chaplin, III to Kendrick Farris to Derrick Johnson and others. We ask these individuals to assist us in leading productive conversations on how we can do more to become truly the strongest team in America.
USA Weightlifting wishes to make it clear that it highly encourages those from minorities, especially from the black community, to run for board and committee seats which will be coming up for application in August with voting in the late fall.