American Records
American Records may only be set at drug-tested USAW national events or IWF-sanctioned events. A lift of one kilogram higher than a current record will break it, and a lift that matches an American standard will establish the record and grant it to that athlete. Records are from 1998 competitions forward.
Certificates for recently set American Records are available upon request. Please email with the American Record certificate you are requesting.
Useful Documents#
Current American Records
Download, opens in a new tabDownload a copy of the current American records, updated March 6, 2025
Current Masters Records
Download, opens in a new tabDownload a copy of the current American records, updated March 6, 2025
American Records Prior to 2018
Download, opens in a new tabDownload PDF version of American Records prior to the 2018 bodyweight category change.
Recommendations for new record standards
Download, opens in a new tabDownload a PDF version of rationale behind new American Record Standards for new bodyweight categories that were established in 2018.