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March 9, 2022

USA Weightlifting has completed its second DEI audit with the Inclusion Playbook and is continuing to take action in furtehring its committement to diversitym equitym and inclusion. The full reports provides a number of recommendations to be implimented over the next year. 

Click here to read the audit report in full.

April 8, 2021

USA Weightlifting is taking immediate action to further strengthen its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) after an independent investigation revealed new areas of growth and improvement for the organization in the DE&I space, while highlighting areas of good practice that already exist.


Prince Lobel Tye LLP of Boston, Massachusetts, released the results today of its investigation that also found there was “no pattern of race discrimination and retaliation” within USA Weightlifting. 


The investigators’ final report is provided here to the public in its entirety.


PLT Recommendation Tracking

More information is available here

March 11, 2021

Last year, USA Weightlifting announced it retained The Inclusion Playbook to audit the organization's approach to diversity, equity and inclusion. 

The audit found:

"USAW is currently in a strong position to expand its DEI platform and create more diverse, equitable, and inclusive spaces in weightlifting. In terms of demographics, USAW has made notable strides in expanding racial and gender diversity in its staff, Board, and membership. USAW has also started several key DEI initiatives in 2020 that have the potential to further increase diversity in target areas such as coaching and staffing.

While these are excellent first steps, USAW’s DEI efforts would benefit from key updates in DEI-related policies and practices, including its:

-Non-Discrimination Policies
-DEI Training Practices
-DEI Budgeting Practices
-DEI Task Force Selection Process

Fortunately, USAW has a solid foundation from which to advance its DEI work. This includes USAW’s:
-HBCU Mentorship Program
-New diversity-based hiring procedures
-New community partnerships

Click here to read the audit report in full.

Of the 26 items The Inclusion Playbook found needed attention by USAW, we have satisfactorily all but five, which are currently in progress of being updated. We have updated internal policies to codify anti-discrimination policies, salary and equity statements, and establish permanent DE&I programs and people to our operations. On the sport side, we have codified anti-discrimination policies with our event hosts and vendors, strengthened outreach to widen the net of recruitment to our sport and created policies to foster a more inclusive sport environment.

While we have made great strides, we continue to address and strengthen our efforts in athlete recruiting, event management and investment in more diverse community partners.

Click here for a current status of our progress in fulfilling items addressed in the audit.

Click here to read more about our 2020-2024 Action Plan and DE&I Playbook.